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Oji Ofong

Just another dev from somewhere on earth

  1. Using Gradle Extra Properties Extension to manage Android dependencies version

    Gradle is an advanced build system. Android Studio adopted gradle due to its flexibility, good tooling API, dependency management through Maven etc. The language used by Gradle is Groovy. A gradle project has a build.gradle file in the root of the project directory. This gradle file describes the build configuration for the project. …

  2. Android Multi Window Support

    Android 7.0 (Nougat) allows two Activities/Applications to run on one screen side by side at the same time. This feature is called the Split Screen Mode or Multi Window Mode. This enables users to multitask with ease and hence increases productivity. However, for android developers this means that it is no longer business as usual, you have to develop android apps that provide a good user experience in Multi Window Mode. …

  3. Introduction to Android Thread Pool and ThreadPoolExecutor

    The knowledge of thread pool is required in advanced Android application development. If you want to build the fastest app possible then you need to leverage multi-threading. This is a simplified introduction to Thread Pools and ThreadPoolExecutor on Android. This article is also relevant to Java development. …

  4. How this site is hosted

    A brief overview on how this site is hosted. …